Don't get me wrong, I really think M. Ward is truly one of the better musicians and singers floating around these days. His voice is distinct, his lyrics mean something, and from my experience, he nails it live. My concern here is that he is touring with the actress Zooey Deschnnel under the guise "She and Him". There is just something fishy about an "indie" (god I hate that word) musician like M. Ward toting a Hollywood ingenue around, hopefully not just because they are like tooootally in love. The two will be performing at the Cat's Cradle in Carboro July 28th. It will be interesting to see if it works. Who knows? Maybe I hold a bit of anger towards Zooey for Co Starring in "The Happening" which was utterly terrible. I mean it was really really awful.
Here is their Video. It kinda reeks of MTV cheese if you ask me.
Please take the time to check out some M. Ward (sans movie starlet.)