The term "college radio" doesn't have the curious appeal as it once did in the "left of the dial" days when anything of importance and excitement could easily be discovered on campus FM stations across the country. If you haven't gone XM yet and you still listen to the good ole radio, I suggest you tune into 88.1WKNC, NC States college station. The students there have have a finger on the pulse of a burgeoning music scene that is starting to draw some much needed attention away from the garbage heard most everywhere today. This Friday and Saturday night WKNC is hosting the 7th Annual Double Barrell Benefit at The Pour House Music Hall in Raleigh. Both nights promise to deliver WKNC's mission statement:"music that doesn't suck."
Friday February 5th :
Max Indian
The Light Pines
Saturday February 6th:
Roman Candle
Spider Bags
Midtown Dickens
The Tender Fruit