Dan’s Gift
I usually don’t do interviews because writers always twist what I say to make a point that they — the writer — want to make. I have to say, of any interview I have done in my career, Dan Reeves did an incredible job of writing straight to the points I was trying to make in his interview with me for Metro Magazine (“Raleigh Vibraphonist Hits Top of Jazz Charts With New CD” — March 2010).
I had four hours of sleep the night before my interview with Dan, and was speaking all around my points, which he amazingly figured out — and put on paper so eloquently.
And in addition to representing me the musician, Dan grasped what I said about being a teacher at Powell Elementary Magnet School and tied it in with the entire article. Helping children is just as important as playing music, any day of the week.
Dan is one hell of a writer. Tell him never to stop writing. He has a gift.
Steve Hobbs